Reduce Electricity Costs with Electricity Meters

Meters, and Apps

Determine how to reduce electricity costs and energy consumption by monitoring electricity use.

electricity meter install photo

Overall Electricity Use

The place to start is by monitoring the mains, where electricity comes into the building from the utility. This is a minimum for nearly all projects.

To monitor the mains, clamp current transformers (CTs) around where the utility feeds electricity to the panel. In the photo pictured here, the mains enter the top of the panel. These spring loaded CTs wire back to an electricity meter. The app reports on power and energy used by the building.

power chart

Electricity Use Report

When reporting on overall electricity use, check out the use when a building is closed or occupants are sleeping. If electricity use does not drop during these off hours, quite likely there is equipment running that could be turned off.

The chart to the right shows electricity use dropping steadily from noon to 6:30am. However, there are a few spikes in power use during the overnight hours.

Cost by Circuit

Monitor Electricity Use for Circuits and Equipment

Ideally, the mains AND all of the branch circuit are monitored. Doing so provides insight into detailed electricity use. The electricity monitoring app will show power and energy reports for each circuit. Important circuits to focus on include heating, cooling, hot water, refrigeration, pumps, and laundry.

Analyze Electricity Use Data

Once the app is up and running, collect electricity use data for at least a week. Then, take a look at the reports. Examine the circuits that cost the most to operate. Are they inline with specifications? Would an energy-efficient model make financial sense? The energy management app provides numbers to make these decisions.

Next, look at when equipment is running. Does a circuit turn off overnight or after hours? Is a piece of equipment turning off and on repeatedly? Check out the power charts to investigate equipment operation.

power chart

Reduce Energy Costs for Heating and Cooling

HVAC monitori

Heating and cooling is often the highest energy user for a building. Monitoring the electricity use shows the actual costs and when it is running. Knowing the costs may help justify replacing the unit. Or, perhaps the thermostat can be adjusted to help with energy savings. Monitoring heating and cooling also shows if they are operating while the building is empty or occupants are asleep.

Measure the Savings

After implementing any energy-efficiency effort, measure the savings in the energy management application. Track the impact of the changes. Ensure that equipment is off when it should be. Enjoying having remote access to see how a building and equipment use electricity.

Interested in Reducing Electricity Costs with Meters and CTs?

Contact PowerWise by calling +1-207-370-6517 or through our website.

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PowerWise is a proven innovator of monitoring and control technology.




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